meet lindsay

meet your photographer & storyteller

Hey there! I’m Lindsay, lead photographer and owner of Embers & Grace. I am a lover of all things STORIES; telling them, reading them, watching them, and honoring them by learning more about what’s was behind the story. But, most of all, I’m in love with helping others tell their story by capturing their legacies in photographs and heirloom legacy sessions.

a few things about me...

My favorite thing about a photo session is watching a family snuggle into each other---even the “grown up college kids” have the most relaxed smiles when they are close to their parents. It makes my heart happy.

I am a Shakespeare and Thoreau nerd and I convinced by sweet husband to build me a home library.

We have two little girls named Caroline and Chloe who keep us on my toes daily.

I have about 92,000 best friends all over the world and you will probably become my BFF too. My oldest best friend is 98 years old: her name is Myrt and we met at a grocery store during my husband’s first deployment to Iraq.

I used to be a Flight Attendant and I have been to every state but Alaska. So, if you live in Alaska---lets book those family photos!

I have a M.A. in English Literature and I am getting a doctorate (Ed.D.) in Higher Education.

I have been obsessed with Jolly Rancher Ice Pops since I was pregnant with my first kiddo and I don’t see me giving those up—ever.

I am a professional car dancer and will proudly waive my dancing flag at stop lights—so be on the lookout for me!

I love when my clients tell me they forgot I was even there and felt like they were just spending time with their sweet family. It happens at almost every single session and I’ve never been happier to be forgotten!

- Harriet & Andrew K.